A space for me to think and let the creativity on my fantasy world written..Displaying of emotions and diary of life..That is Words, like an open book that tell about my feelings and my thinking, A way to show the world of who I am :)Kite Enjoy~ (Atoyy..ala-ala jiwang gitu..x mau!!)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
MinaT W.o.W
Sekarang aku tgh cuba mengusaha utk menerbitkan sbuah novel karyaku sndri..andai kata karangnku mnjadi pilihan,Dat will be my plonjak semangt..Actually,aku sntiasa gusar karyaku dikatakn hampir srupa dgn karya2 len d psrn..Not much confident yet i think..Huaa!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
KeranA SayanG
harapan utk melihat firefly trkubur bgitu sja n our (me+siblings) planning utk buat
surprise party hari sabtu trpaksa dtukar tarikh kpd hari ini.Mula2 mmg agk masalah
tapi kitorg brjaya atasi problem 2..Semua ditanggung beres..hehe(>_<)
Ikut planning,kitorg nak sambut bday parents kitorg kat ole2 18 time main bowling..
me n sis akn gi beli kek bakery cottage snyap2 n kalu bole beli bunga skali but
x jadi pula..kitorg da excited bile bayangkn suasanany kalu jadi plan 2..waah~
so romance...tapi lain pula yg jadi hari ni...
1st : kitorg kena hbiskn 2 game bowling..hu2 itu pun dah ambil masa dlm 2-3 jam..
Dah la tu,malu pulak tu..TT_TT..time main tu,mood hilang so bola tu trlepas
dari tanganku n brgerak ke belakang..hu2..malu tramat la kan..boys kt sbelah
dah gelak sakan tgk aksi aku yg trlebih tadi..mmg tutup muka betul la..
2nd : Almost x dpt kebenaran keluar snyap2..(Adeh,aku ni baik sgt gi minta izin)
but..my sis help me dgn trus tarik ak gi beli kek snyap2..sorri umi,trpaksa
langgar ur order..fuh,mmg bergegas btol la beli kek 2..Kitorg beli kek capucino.
Itu je price yg paling murah..hu2..(bajet trlebih)
3rd : Surprise tu kitorg buat kt grai2 mknn kt ole2 jer..but i'm stil satisfied cox ade yg
trkejut dgn kitorg punyer surprise utk our parents trsyg..he2..2 point dy sbnrnyer..
Sedap gk kek 2 wlaupun kecil..Habis licin kitorg makan..syg x ambil gmbar kek 2
sblm dpotong..hu2
Anyway,kitorg mmg x lupakan pkcik yg pnjamkn kitorg mncis utk mnyempurnakn
surprise kitorg..Kommapta~sbg tanda pnghargaa,kitorg potong ckit kek yg sedap 2
utk pkcik tue~
p/s:sory,mls nk upload pic2..kamera kt bwh la..hurm~
Monday, December 27, 2010
Kemalasan Yg MelanDa :p
pk nak tlis sumthing kt blog tp KEMALASAN mmg trase sgt after SPm..Ye r,da x tau nak wat
apa..but stil,my streatment schedule da brmula kmbali..Wuargh!!mmg trase takot yg teramat nie..
Hari nie mrupakn hari ke3 slps kimo..Fuh~smngt da trse sdikit kurg but i have 2 smarakkn
smngt 2 kmbali..HIDUP MST DTeRUSKN~yeahh!!Pagi td rase cm mls sgt nk mandi..
Hee~nasib bek brjaya lwn prasaan 2..Berbau kerbau la kalu x mndi rini..hu2
Hari 2 timbang berat kt hospital.OMG,x kusangka bhw berat ku da brtmbah mnjdi
......kg(perlu drhsiakn..he3)sedih2..nilah akibat men hentam sgala mknn tp pe yg mmbuatkn
ku kembang 1 bdn,doktor 2 kata aku nmpak kurus,berat x naik ke?Aiseyh,mmg senyum
smpai ke telinga la..hak2..
Best betul bile tgk alahanku da smkin kurg..Takut den nengok bdn den ble dserang alergic..
Feel like im a REal~ MonSTeR!!my story pun da dmulakn kmbali..
"WELCUM HOME NEW WRITER~" hu3 (we miss u)
Serious,mmg agk jeles ble dgr rkn2 yg len krja part tme,tmba pngalaman tp apakn daya,da
ktentuanku begini..Lantaklah kn..Akn ku bina dunia baru dipanggil....
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Simple Shinee profile
Onew Oppa (Leader)
Name: Lee Jinki
Birth: 14/12/1989
Height: 181cm
Speciality: Vocalist,oldest member,basketball,english
Key Oppa
Name: Kim Kibum
Birth: 23/9/1991
Height: 177cm
Speciality: Gifted varsity water-skier,english,rap,dance
Minho Oppa
Name: Choi Minho
Height: 173cm
Birth: 9/12/1991
Speciality: rapper,rapper writer,model
Jonghyun Oppa
Name: Kim Jonghyun
Birth: 8/4/1990
Height: 177cm
Speciality: main vocalist
Taemin maknae
Name: Lee Taemin
Birth: 18/7/1993
Height: 175cm
Speciality: lead dancer,sitcom actor
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cute kitty
playing by my sides..i want to make a video of how its playing and jumping
around the room..i don't know how 2 say it but seriusly its SUPER-CUTE!!!!
i give him a name..'BOY'..hurm i will miss him while i am at home~
Friday, October 15, 2010
I like him??who??
- Me
- Maisarah
- Haryani
- Yusra
- Nadia Athirah
Sunday, October 3, 2010
hu2..SPM mnghampiri!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Aku Bakal Designer - Chapter 2.2 -
Monday, August 9, 2010
Aku Bakal Designer - Chapter 2.1 -
Aku Bakal Designer - Chapter 1 -
Friday, August 6, 2010
controvercy of shinee-lucifer
Below is jux a copy of others blog so plizz don't think it as my opinion..but i want to know wat u think bout it..
I’ve been receiving some nasty comments about SHINee because of their Lucifer album and song title. And really guys, isn’t it obvious that I’m a SHINee fan? Do you really think I’d approve a comment that spreads evil rumours about SHINee? (But I greatly welcome any comments about the whole Lucifer story because I know I could be wrong)
First off, SHINee is pronounced SHINY. Not she-nee. So no, the “SHI” in SHINee does not translate to æ» (die in Japanese). Because it’s pronounced as ‘she’. Secondly, a lot of words in Japanese and Chinese are pronounced exactly the same, but the written word is different, so you can’t use this kind of lame evidence to support your lame accusations. Thirdly, SHINee are essentially a Korean group and “shinee” doesn’t mean anything evil (or anything at all, in fact) in Korean.
I don’t claim to be an expert on christianology (in fact, I know very little of it) but I did some research on the topic so I hope to answer the question every one seems to have. Well, not everyone. Just hardcore Christians who have some problems with the use of Lucifer.
But first, where is the connection between SHINee and the illuminati?
Their comeback album and song is titled Lucifer, which you cannot deny has strong roots from religion. But the problem lies wherein people tend to associate it with Satan. And the Illuminati which was a group of rebels or something, who claimed Lucifer as their God. Hence, the controversy.
What is the meaning of Lucifer?
The short version. The song Lucifer has nothing to do with the illuminati or christianity; it’s just a metaphor they use for a girl that’s under the disguise of an angel. And to symbolize entrapment. But you know, nowadays you have to be really careful with what you say, because there’s a lot of nitpickies (people who nitpick) out there who’d take any chance they could to rip you to pieces.
Once again, here’s SMentertainment’s explanation.
“Members using their eye expression to show their main song ‘Lucifer’, in Christianity, Lucifer means the falling angel of the devil. SHINee with a refreshing image in the past activities, showed a big transformation and a feeling of approaching in their 2nd album.
SM expressed that ” A selfish heart, persevering love, wrongly threatened and repeatedly revolving appearance of an angel and devil, lovers having a vague feeling in Lucifer” “The meaning of religion is to have courage”.
The longer (but still short) version. But just for your information, Lucifer was never intended to be synonymous with Satan, or even represented as a fallen angel. He is instead supposed to symbolize a fallen Babylonian King. Lucifer appears in the fourteenth chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah, in the twelfth verse,
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”
There is no mention nor reference to Satan at all. Just a random name mentioned out of the blue. But ancient priests and whoever who knew a lot about the bible clarified that it was never specified to mean Satan, just the Babylonian King.
Christians and Mormons just happily equated “Lucifer” with “Satan” because they needed to create for themselves a demonic presence, so they used Lucifer as their scapegoat; that’s how injust the world is, and they later used the verse to support their accusations.
Since Lucifer isn’t actually Satan, SHINee isn’t satanic. And just because the Illuminati said that Lucifer was their God, doesn’t mean any future references have to be linked to the illuminati.
So, are the SHINee illuminati? Decidedly not.
What are the illuminati? Some underground group of repressed radicals? Do we really fear the New World Order anymore? I don’t think we need to worry about the illuminati anymore. Or is the question: Did we ever, need to worry?
Besides, in the song lyrics, it’s not like they are saying Lucifer is amazing; in fact, their message is quite the opposite.
Jux LUAHAN dr lubuk hati yg trPENDAM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
thx 4 ur support!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Yuna n Me~
However,when I want to take pic wif her..i kinda felt shy..i dont know myself why it happened

Friday, July 2, 2010
Architect Wannabe!?

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I'd seen kakak mati??
Salam n good day to my readers..
Its been a long time I’m not posting anything. I’m a bit busy and lazy to write anything here..Actually, my first week of holidays had been spend by staying at my grandma’s house in Perlis.Its kinda fun too.Besides, I met frog that died horrifyingly with its neck break from its body.Seriously,I can’t stand to watch it.Its so disgusting.I told that story too my sister and one of my cousin who’s the same age wif my sister,13,heard it not far from the place I sit.She question me wif weird question.I can’t answer her.A day after that (breakfast time),my aunt called me and asked is it right that I’d seen a woman died horrifyingly?I kind of surprised hearing that.I said no but I do seen frog died horrifyingly. She then called my cousin to explain what she heard.Its all became clear when she actually heard me saying “ Tadi kita trjumpa kakak mati,kepala dia terputus n urat dia terkeluar” which actualy katak = kakak..We all laugh heartily when we heard it.She had convince almost all people in Chemu’mar n her parents.It became serious topic all of sudden n end with just her hearing problem..Hu2 I seriously kinda scared when my aunt asked me seriously..
this is not the real picture because i didnt dare to take the real one..urghh..
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tepi Pantai kt klang..

pink Mp4 pouch

So SeRabUt!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
wHat i'm thinkiNg~