BM club society.Kitorg wat sesama,kira gabung la..Its all went ok.I eat a lot too.
Almost all of the member are bloated..Kekenyangan.I sendiri sampai dah x larat nak
join game musical chair.Well,wlaupun x kenyang,i still xleh join dsebabkn alat yg ada d tgn,
Nanti diorg trtolak,fuh berdarah pula.So, tengok jela yg i mampu.Hu2 sedih2..
Almost all f5 x join except Maisarah and she got 3rd place in that game.Increduble huh!
Next,ada game cari barang terpntas.Itu dlm group n xde 2nd,3rd place.My group consist of:
- Me
- Maisarah
- Haryani
- Yusra
- Nadia Athirah
then,ada kuiz.Adala dlm 3-4 soalan mcm tu tapi kbykkan soalan da la
x brapa minat sukan.
Ni yg gempaknye malu!!Cikgu buat kotak beracun n beberapa org terpilih untuk ambil
kertas yg ada didalamnya.1st person is Pn. Goh but she's lucky coz she got blank paper.I'm
the 2nd person and that was so unlucky.I got a paper that told to search 4 a guy there and
thought it would be easy to do it with hin but the result stil same.I CAN'T DO IT.
Stil,i have to do it in front of all my club members.That is sooo embarassing..i told him "Fateh..
sbnrnyakn...kita dah lama suka kat awak.."what make it worse is,there some people record it.HUAAA!!!x suka!xsuka!x suka!
p/s:tp tringin nk mnta vdeo tu utk kenangan..he2..mbe bole post kt cni gk ke..=P